Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blood Donations

     Thanks to my Aunt Laura, I now have some more information on the blood donation.  Here is what she sent me:

Blood Donation Information

Children’s Hospital LA
4650 West Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
323-660-2450 (Main Telephone Number)

Make Appointment for Blood Donation (323)361-2441

Blood Lab Hours
Monday – Platelets Donations Only
Tuesday – Friday 7:30 – 3:30 pm
Saturday 7:30 am – 1:30 pm

*They can take Platelet donations any day, it is best to make an appointment. While at the appointment, simply write Hazel Hammersley at the bottom of the application so that she will get the credit.

Hazel’s Blood Type is A+

Blood Donors - She can only receive blood from donors with A+, blood drawn from other blood types will be used for other needy children. You can donate blood every 2 months. They can hold blood for Hazel up to 32 days, after that it will be used for another patient.

Platelet Donors  Hazel can take Platelets from any blood type, but it is not a guarantee that Hazel can accept it. Platelet donation takes a minimum of 2 hours, they have to make sure your veins are strong enough to withstand the donation. However, the Platelet donation seems to be easier to tolerate and you can donate weekly if needed.

Ex: Laura is a good candidate for Platelet donation because I have a rare blood type that is not common for young children. Therefore, it would be best if I try to make a Platelet donation.

***According to the nurse there is a critically ill child right now with a very rare blood type, they are looking for Platelet donors if anyone is available.***


  1. I'm A+ and will definitely try to make it down to LA (I live in Santa Barbara) to donate for Hazel soon! I tried donating platelets for a baby in need several years ago, and my veins were not strong enough. I'd like to try again someday, but I'm glad that I share Hazel's blood type because I can donate blood like a champ! :) Praying for complete, miraculous healing, and for peace and rest for your family!

  2. Before you could donate blood, your haemoglobin level, blood pressure level and body weight will be tested. If your haemoglobin level is low, you will not be allowed to donate blood.How to donate blood
