These past several weeks have been very busy, and sometimes very difficult for our family, so please forgive the lack of updates. As you may have seen on our Facebook page, Hazel's second of three rounds that we hope to be the last, was pushed back due to her platelet count not recovering enough. So her doctors and we decided that with her body being as tired as it is, she would not need to complete a third round, and instead pushed up her scans to TODAY!
If her scan results today come back clear (like we hope the last ones were), she can be finished with chemotherapy! She will remain on her ALK Inhibitor medication at home for an indefinite amount of time, but the harsh, hospital visit requiring, adult strength chemotherapy no longer will have to be pumped through our daughter's veins! So these scans are absolutely crucial and we beg you for your thoughts and prayers.
For me, it is difficult to remain hopeful for these results, because the last time I felt hope, our world was shattered with the news of her relapse. My depression and anxiety have also made it near impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so I am personally, really relying on YOUR hopefulness and prayers, and that of my amazing family and friends to get me through. The road of a cancer parent in arduous, long, and can make even the strongest of spirit fall to their knees in desperation. So if you know of anyone walking this road, don't be afraid to reach out out of fear of being an imposition, or not knowing what to say. Let them know that, although you may not know what to do or what to say, you are here for them and you love them. And that despite their circumstances, you know that they are also a human being with emotions and needs that can be cared for. Show up for them. Love them. Pray for them. Don't forget them in their long journey. I can tell you for sure, they will be overwhelmingly grateful.
As soon as I get results, I will post here to share them with you, so be on the look out. Thank you all so much for your continued support for our daughter and for our family. We love you all!